FE Investments Decumulation Portfolios
The Decumulation range brings a probability-based approach to financial planning and portfolio management. Matching your client's retirement circumstances to their investments helps provide
them with a sustainable level of income they need to live comfortably in retirement.
The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may not
get back the amount originally invested.
Meeting your needs
Analysing all retirement risks
As a client transitions into retirement, a change in investment approach is needed. While previously the primary risks were volatility and changes in the value of their portfolio, in decumulation, their primary concerns are whether they have enough income to meet their retirement goals and needs.
Our Decumulation Illustrator tool, which can be accessed through FE Analytics, helps bring your clients' circumstances to life by demonstrating the different options available in decumulation, helping you ensure they have a diversified and sustainable retirement portfolio.
For this reason, access to the tool via FE Analytics is required when recommending the Decumulation Portfolios to your clients.
Rethinking retirement risk
In retirement, portfolio risk becomes more focused on matching client cashflow requirements. Traditional risk approaches that only consider volatility bands are not suitable for these clients.
Meeting your clients' retirement goals
We centre planning on the long term drawdown needs to make sure that your clients' retirement goals are achievable, and that they do not run out of money before those goals are achieved.
Visual modelling
Our probability driven Decumulation Illustrator tool brings your clients' circumstances to life and allows you to calculate the likelihood that their retirement pot will deliver on their goals.
Allowing capital to go further
We help you plan for your client's retirement and enable their money to go further by giving you a choice of different investment strategies and income projections across different time horizons.
Providing your clients with a sustainable retirement income
Helping your clients reach their retirement goals
Our Decumulation portfolio range aims to provide your clients with a well thought out, planned and sustainable income drawdown during retirement.
The range consists of two portfolios which are constructed to consider the income needs of your clients, while also making sure that their capital does not run out prematurely, working in tandem with a cashflow plan.
- Compliant approach to retirement investing
- Probability-driven cashflow plan
- Works in tandem with our Decumulation Illustrator tool
- ESG-focused reporting
Decumulation Portfolios
What to expect
in the Initial Income Portfolio
in the Long Term Retirement Portfolio
up to 4 portfolio rebalances
per year

WEBINAR: At Retirement with FE Investments
Toyosi Lewis, Retirement Investment Specialist at FE Investments, and Grant Callaghan, Financial Planning Specialist at The Verve Group, discuss the challenges that need to be overcome and the strategies financial advisers can use to enhance their retirement propositions.
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