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Financial Express Investments Limited - Disclaimer

The content of all FE Investments reports has been produced for the exclusive use of investment professionals and should not be relied upon by private investors, except where the report is specifically labelled as being for retail investor use. The information contained within our reports has not been tailored for the use of any specific investor. Any onward distribution by third parties is carried out in their own name and not in the name of or on behalf of FE Investments. These third parties assume the sole responsibility for this activity including the compliance with all local laws and regulations that might be applicable on such activity and onward distribution of said reports.

All reports are based on information sourced by FE Investments through in-house quantitative analysis, interviews with fund managers, fund management teams, other key individuals and publicly available information. This information may be unaudited and FE Investments makes no attempt to audit obtained information. All information used was the most current available at the time of writing.

All information contained within the documents is produced purely for informational purposes and should not constitute investment advice. FE Investments disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any trading decisions taken as a result of information contained within our reports. Furthermore the reports should not be seen as a guarantee of the qualities of a fund or its underlying holdings. In addition past performance should not be seen as a guide to any future market returns.

FE Investments receives no financial remuneration from fund issuers or distributors for the creation of these reports.

All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the validity of content contained within our reports, however due to the possibility of either human or mechanical error, either by ourselves or our sources we cannot guarantee that information contained within our reports is correct, complete or accurate.