What are Alpha Manager ratings and how can you use them in FE Analytics?
The Alpha Manager Rating is a quantitative rating that distinguishes the top UK fund managers based on alpha generation and outperformance across their whole career history, allowing you to instantly identify those managers who have consistently outperformed benchmarks and their peer group over time.
How advisers can use the Alpha Manager ratings
Unlike fund ratings, which are based on various performance criteria of the fund, the FE Alpha Manager Ratings rate the performance of a fund manager over their entire career - covering all funds they have managed and all places worked - and helps you to take a step back and remove short-term market movements or cyclical factors from your analysis in order to make the best investment decisions for your clients. Given the market conditions of recent years, it is fundamental that fund managers can add value over the very long term and ride the challenges the market throws at them. The Alpha Manager ratings give a strong indication of those managers that can and cannot do this - ensuring that your fund selection process is as informed as possible.
Using FE Analytics to research Alpha Manager ratings
The Alpha Manager ratings are available within multiple areas of FE Analytics, allowing you to utilise our expertise across many aspects of your process.
Building portfolios
If you are looking to build your own custom portfolios, the fund filters tool is an invaluable way to narrow down the selection process to only those funds that meet specific criteria. As such, there are 'Alpha Manager Rated' filters available under the 'Fund Filters' tab.
Researching fund managers
To research individual fund managers and their current funds, navigate to the Fund Managers tab and filter by 'Alpha Rated Managers' for each applicable universe. This allows you to access detailed information on each of the Alpha Managers - including funds currently managed, biography, and detailed career performance.
Analysing portfolios
The Custom Table report type allows you to easily see which funds in a pre-made portfolio are Alpha Manager rated. This can be useful when looking at rebalancing the funds within an existing custom portfolio, but also when researching one of the many managed portfolios that are included in the FE Analytics MPS Directory.
Data-driven Managed Portfolio Service
If using a managed portfolio service that is based on data and insight is important to you, then you may be interested in FE Investments’ Managed Portfolio Service.
Our award-winning managed portfolios are driven by data insights in order to construct robust portfolios that fit a range of client needs and objectives. The risk-targeted portfolios are designed to have a diverse investment base in order to manage risk and reduce the effects of adverse market conditions, while maintaining exposure to growth sectors to give your clients access to higher returns.
Important information This is a marketing communication, intended for professional investors only. Not for use by retail investors. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested.