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How to import valuations and holdings data into FE CashCalc

Importing up-to-date valuations into FE CashCalc from a back-office or platform is, according to our most recent Financial Adviser Survey, viewed by many financial advisers as a feature which significantly helps increase the efficiency of their annual review process.

How do you import a plan's latest valuation into FE CashCalc?

The first step is to ensure that you have an active integration with either a back-office or platform. Then, assuming you have linked your clients and their plans, you simply need to select a pension or investment from the client's ‘Information’ section. You can then use the ‘Actions’ dropdown to import its latest valuation.

By clicking the ‘Get latest valuation’ option, the plan's latest valuation will be imported from your integrated back-office or platform, and the figure within FE CashCalc will be immediately updated. You will then have up-to-date information within your FE CashCalc account and because you have utilised the integration, you have avoided the need to manually update each and every plan.

These marginal gains can therefore help make your process more efficient, as well as retain the data’s integrity. Plus, you can then easily push your client’s pensions and investments, along with their latest valuations, into either of our cashflow modelling tools. Again, this reduces the need to manually key information and ensures correct and up-to-data information is being used.

If you have yet to integrate your FE CashCalc account and wish to find out more, please visit our integrations page and discover what integrations are available. You can then easily integrate your account by logging in, visiting 'Settings' and then clicking on the 'Integrations' tab.

Can holdings data also be imported?

In addition to importing the latest valuation for a pension or investment, we will also look to import the plan's holdings data at the same time. Now, it’s important to note that not all our integrations currently account for holdings data. However, if you are integrated with Intelliflo Office, Time4Advice Curo, Xplan or Transact you will be able to import such information.

Again, by clicking the ‘Get latest valuation’ option, the plan's holdings data will be immediately imported alongside its latest valuation – specifically the fund data, fund values, and fund codes. And to view this information, you'll simply need to select the pension or investment and visit the ‘Investment Breakdown’ section.

What can then be done with holdings data?

Those of you who watched the above ‘how to’ video will have noticed it referenced an integration between FE CashCalc and FE Analytics. This development is nearing completion and will soon enable those who have both an FE CashCalc and FE Analytics licence to access additional functionality.

Specifically, if you import holdings data into FE CashCalc, you can then generate a Medium Scan from within FE CashCalc. You will also be able to easily export the portfolio from FE CashCalc into FE Analytics, as well as download FE Analytics factsheets, KIID Documents and Adviser Factsheets from within your FE CashCalc account.

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