FE Launches Industry First Tool for Advisers to Access MiFID II Data and Calculate Pre-Sale Charges
LONDON, 09 OCTOBER 2018: FE, the leading investment ratings, research and data provider, announced today the launch of the FE Analytics+ Ex Ante Costs and Charges Calculator, an industry first tool that gives advisers a clear, transparent view of all the pre-sale (ex ante) charges they need to disclose to clients under the MiFID II regulation.
The tool prepopulates ex ante investment product charges for all funds in a portfolio and adds up the weighted holdings to provide an aggregate of costs as required by the MiFID II client disclosure requirements. Advisers can include any additional charges like adviser and platform fees and they also have the freedom to select different costs, growth and term options.
Advisers can access the Ex Ante Costs and Charges Calculator via FE Analytics, the one-stop tool for investment research and analysis. Access is included for existing users.
Matthew Lawrence, COO, FE explains: “MiFID II client disclosure requires advisers, investment platforms and DFMs to tell investors in advance how much they can expect to pay for an investment fund or service through them. They then have to confirm the actual costs every year thereafter, aggregating product costs, adviser costs and any platform charges.
“The MiFID II rules don’t really deal with the logistics of gathering the data or where these fit into the advice process. As such, advisers have been in desperate need of a service that they can rely on to supply accurate fund cost data, aggregate all costs and provide meaningful client reporting. As FE already compiles and verifies MiFID data straight from the asset managers[1], we are ideally positioned to provide the accuracy and reliability advisers require.”
The calculations are also quick and easy for advisers to perform as the MiFID II data is readily available to users of FE Analytics. The FE Analytics+ Ex Ante Costs and Charges Calculator will pre-populate the MiFID II data for all funds, portfolios and DFM portfolios that advisers have stored within their FE Analytics account.
In addition to numbers, the calculator offers interactive visuals to communicate the impact of charges to clients in an engaging manner. The graphics include total investment, charges, net growth and reduction in yield.
[1] FE’s ISO certified data collection process compiles and verifies MiFID data on over 95% of EMT share classes, investment trusts and ETFs.
- Images of the FE Analytics+ Ex Ante Costs and Charges Calculator available upon request
About FE
FE is a leading provider of data, software and performance analytics to the financial services industry. FE’s products and services are designed to interpret and analyse data, helping financial advisers and investors stay well informed and ultimately make sound investment decisions. FE also provides tools and software for fund managers and other financial services firms, including products to assist with fund reporting and analysis as well as fund marketing and presentation materials. FE has offices in the UK, Europe and across Asia Pacific. Its clients include life and pension providers, asset managers, financial advisers and networks, wrap platforms, fund supermarkets, software houses, and financial portals.
For more information, please contact the FE press office at: James.Hoey@financialexpress.net