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FE Helps EFAMA to Boost Number of Funds Categorised by the European Fund Classification (EFC)

FE, the leading investment ratings, research and data provider, announced today that it is providing The European Fund Categorization Forum (EFCF) – a Task Force of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) – with the Indicative Classification (IC) data for funds distributed in Germany and Switzerland.

The IC is a new component of the European Fund Classification (EFC), a pan-European classification system of investment funds which has been developed by the EFCF to permit simple comparison of cross-border funds with comparable investment strategies.  The IC has been established to address the market need for a stronger coverage of funds.

Rob Botha, head of data at FE, explains: “Our comprehensive, highly accurate database of fund data which we collect from source, means we are ideally placed to assist in this industry-led initiative.  By further expanding the EFC to include the indicative classification, we see a significant increase in the number of funds classified which will allow meaningful peer group comparisons between cross border funds.”

The European Fund Classification combines many advantages:  

  • It is built on well-defined criteria to define EFC categories and ensure transparency for investors and fund management companies.
  • It is industry-owned and managed without being influenced by any singular commercial interests.
  • Fund groups can have their funds classified for free and the classification results are provided to the market free-of-charge.

To further increase the number of funds classified, the EFCF decided to provide Indicative Classification for funds for which the classification administrator does not obtain the portfolio holdings.  In the first stage of this new industry initiative, an indicative classification has been made for funds distributed in the Nordic countries, Switzerland and/or Germany, with funds distributed in Germany and Switzerland being provided by FE.



For further information and the EFAMA press release regarding the launch of the Indicative Classification, please visit the EFAMA website -

About FE
FE is a leading provider of data, software and performance analytics to the financial services industry. FE’s products and services are designed to interpret and analyse data, helping financial advisers and investors stay well informed and ultimately make sound investment decisions. FE also provides tools and software for fund managers and other financial services firms, including products to assist with fund reporting and analysis as well as fund marketing and presentation materials. FE has offices in the UK, Europe and across Asia Pacific. Its clients include life and pension providers, asset managers, financial advisers and networks, wrap platforms, fund supermarkets, software houses, and financial portals.

Media Contact

Claire Lewis

FE PR & Communications Manager

T / +44 207 534 7661

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