European ESG Template (EET) version 1.1.2 - what you need to know about the changes
Navigate the latest field changes with our comprehensive overview and downloadable guide.
One of the largest data files released by FinDatEx
The EET v1.1.2 stands out as one of the largest data files released by FinDatEx, with a total of 616 fields. In our analysis, we identified changes to 57 specific data points.
Summary of changes
- 57 data points impacted
- A number of changes to field definitions and conditions
- The addition and incorporation of four new investment labels under the UK’sSustainable Disclosure Requirements (SDR), and LuxFLAG label for discretionary mandates
- Country ISO-format change from 3 digits down to 2 digits to better align with other FinDatEx templates
- Several changes to field names and updates to the nomenclature for improved clarity and consistency
EET V1.1.2. – successfully navigate the changes with FE fundinfo’s guide
To help you navigate the changes contained within EET V1.1.2, we've compiled a comprehensive overview and guide. Click to download a full breakdown of changes and potential implications: