European ESG Template (EET) data live on fundinfo.com
For years, sustainable investing has become increasingly popular among investors, which has led to a steady rise in demand for sustainable funds. There are several reasons for this: increasing environmental awareness, as well as various social issues that have come to the fore accelerated by the pandemic. Investor values, expectations and investment objectives are more focused on leaving a positive impact on society.
But how can investors assess sustainability risks and opportunities? It takes a lot of data to identify which companies are sustainably managed, in transition or well on their way to improving their sustainability profile. For a large number of investors, however, the actual assessment often remains a matter of personal judgement.
To achieve investment goals that are in line with investor values, it is essential for investors to have access to comprehensive ESG data.
We are therefore pleased to announce that EET data will now be made available on fundinfo.com, our leading international platform for fund information and mandatory publications of investment funds. The platform, which is freely accessible to investors, now offers a new EET section on the fund detail page. This section is available for funds in 22 fund markets, except Belgium Retail, Singapore and Hong Kong.
FE fundinfo is able to provide this information by extracting key fields from a fund’s European ESG Template (EET), the official FinDatEx template for ESG-related data which standardises and facilitates the exchange of ESG fund and regulatory data amongst market participants. This is in support for greater investor transparency through the democratisation of fund data, empowering investors to make better, more informed investment decisions.
Key EET data fields included
The following key fields are now available on fundinfo.com:
- PRI / PRB signatory
- Subsidiary of a PRI / PRB compliant company
- Aim to follow PRI / PRB but not a signatory
- Provider Commitments
- ESG Label(s)
- Exclusions
- Main ESG Focus
- Stewardship and Engagement Information
- SFDR Product Type
- Considers PAI in Investment
- Minimum SFDR Article 8 Funds
- Minimum SFDR Article 9 Funds
The amount of ESG-related data which is shown on the fund details page will vary depending on the fund. For example, a fund with good coverage will have likely completed the EET fields we deem important and may also have a focus on sustainability, whereas a fund with limited coverage may not have disclosed information with their EET.
All available EET data will automatically be updated to reflect any changes.
If you would like to find out more about how you can publish your EET on fundinfo.com, please don't hesitate to get in touch.