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12 ways FE helped Advisers in 2017

As everybody is getting into the festive spirit – we thought we’d use the 12 Days of Christmas song as inspiration to look at 12 ways FE has helped Advisers this year. It's been a busy year of new launches and additions to FE Analytics.  So why not grab a mince pie and scroll through our year in review...

New launches:

  1. FE ANALYTICS+ INVESTMENT PLANNER: One of the main highlights of 2017 has been the much-awaited launch of FE Analytics+ Investment Planner. The Investment Planner offers Advisers a complete end-to-end investment process that can support the provision of simple, straightforward and consistent investment advice. It helps users to streamline their investment process right from risk profiling a client's risk appetite and capacity for loss through to selecting and reporting the most appropriate investment options for an individual client's needs.

    Read: 5 ways FE Analytics+ Investment Planner can help your business

  2. FE INVEST RESPONSIBLY MANAGED PORTFOLIOS: FE Invest, our range of discretionary model portfolios has expanded it's offering to Advisers through the introduction of three Responsibly Managed Portfolios. The new portfolios join 31 other risk- optimised portfolios to provide Advisers robust investment options for clients seeking socially conscious investing. The Responsibly Managed range is created through a unique process that blends Ethical funds (negative screening) and Sustainable funds (positive screening) to achieve consistent returns. 

    Find out more about the portfolios + methodology / Request factsheet

  3. MULTI - ASSETS ADDED TO THE APPROVED LIST: The FE Invest Approved list, is a shortlist of preferred funds from the FE Research team. The funds on this list are selected based on careful scrutiny and form the basis of FE's model portfolio construction. The team have recently added 21 Multi-Asset funds to the list to help Advisers select the best of breed Multi-Asset funds for their clients' needs. Whether you use the FE Invest models, use only Multi-Asset funds, or build your own models/portfolios - the extensive due-diligence undertaken to create the list can add significant value to your proposition.

    Find out more

  4. EVEN MORE PROVIDERS ON FE TRANSMISSION: FE Transmission, is a unique solution that allows Advisers to get under the bonnet of their third party model portfolios at a holdings level for bespoke comparisons and to ensure client suitability. The service has been key in improving DFM transparency within the industry and this year has seen the inclusion of even more of the UK's leading providers including Liontrust MPS, Quilter Cheviot, Smith & Williamson, Tatton to name just a few. 

    Find out more

  5. DIVERSIFICATION BENEFIT TOOL:  In the summer, we launched the Diversification Benefit tool that calculates the extent to which risk within a portfolio is reduced by the interaction of the investments held. This helps Advisers quantify the level of diversification benefit gained using a certain mix of investments within a client portfolio. Expressed as a percentage, the Diversification Benefit is calculated based on the FE Risk Score of the portfolio's current holdings and the average weighted FE Risk Score of its current holdings. The score is available for any portfolio created or imported into FE Analytics including third-party model portfolios.

  6. NEW & IMPROVED TRUSTNET: FE Trustnet is a widely read, free to use investment news & research website. To improve the user experience, a largescale technical and aesthetic overhaul is underway. A new look homepage, price and performance, factsheet and news pages are live on the site with many new features to come. Trustnet is now a responsive website so the viewing experience is optimised no matter the device being used.

    Visit Trustnet

Adding value to your proposition: 

  1. STILL NUMBER 1:   FE Analytics has continued to spearhead investment research for many Advice firms in the UK. This year,  2.7 million factsheets and 2.4 million charts were viewed on the system. FE Analytics was also used to create 1.4m portfolio scans and just under a million reports. 
  3. CONNECTING YOU WITH ASSET MANAGERS:  To add a qualitative dimension to all the data on FE Analytics, we have partnered with some leading asset managers to provide Analytics users with enhanced factsheets that feature articles, insight, fund manager interviews, videos and more. This additional content can come in particularly handy if you service clients who enjoy reading relevant investment content. 
  5. FE ANALYTICS+ DATAFEEDS: Advisers can now access the power of FE data in a more flexible manner in a format of your choice. Our range of fund data feed services provides you with access to the fund data you need when you need it, and in the way you need it. What’s more, we collect all of our fund data directly from the source, which means we can be certain that it is accurate and consistent.

    Learn more
  1. INTEGRATION: We continue to work on integrating our tools with other widely used tech solutions in the marketplace. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce the integration between FE Analytics & Fastrak reporting and also between FE Analytics & Time4Advice CURO. 

Working with you:

  1. FE ANALYTICS ROADSHOWS: This year,we have been on the road with our Regional FE Adviser Forums, at six locations around the country, meeting over 200 clients.''Evaluating, Minimising & Managing Risk'' was the theme at this year's roadshows - exploring how FE can help Advisers navigate the risk landscape. Clients were introduced to the new FE Analytics+ Investment Planner tool and heard from managers of some of the funds in the FE Approved Fund List during an exclusive session for FE Invest clients. Thanks to clients for the wonderful feedback.
  3. FE ANALYTICS CERTIFICATION: With over 1/3rd of the UK adviser market using FE Analytics, we launched the FE Analytics certification last year, in recognition of how important knowledge of the tool is, in terms of recruitment (for firms) and professional development (for individuals). Since then, we have had 2,780 Advisers trained and 85 pass the examination to be FE Analytics certified. Many firms have seen immense the value of certification - Lovewell Blake was the first FE Analytics Certified firm. 

    Read their story

Contact us at for info on any of the above or if you would like to register for our upcoming training or investment events.