We recognise the responsibility we have to the communities we operate in and around, and are committed to seeking ways to make positive contributions.
Sustainability at FE fundinfo
We acknowledge that putting sustainability at the heart of what we do is a continuous process and there are many ways we can improve what we do. We aim to work with partners and clients so that we can learn from each other to improve sustainability together across our industry.
The information below gives an overview of some of the initiatives that are supporting our endeavours in becoming an even more sustainably focused organisation.
Our Commitment to the Environment
As a global company we recognise our responsibility to understand and reduce our environmental impact for each location we operate in. We measure our carbon footprint annually using scopes 1-3 of the GHG protocol as a framework for collecting data. Each year we aim to increase the quality and quantity of our data to help inform operational decisions that support a reduction in our carbon footprint, such as utilising cloud-based data centres, applying our responsible travel guidelines, and designing our office spaces to be more environmentally friendly.
Our People
At FE fundinfo we care deeply about our people and their development. We strive to create an environment where every one of our 1,000+ members of staff can thrive and reach their true potential. From recruiting, to onboarding and later career development, our people and talent development programmes are focused on engagement and wellbeing, which put our employees’ needs and development first. Whether joining as an experienced hire, or as someone starting out in their career, we are committed to investing in our people’s futures.

Diversity, Equality and a sense of Belonging
We are determined to create a truly inclusive and supportive organisation which recognises and promotes the benefits that a diverse team brings. In an industry that has taken great strides in recent years to improve its practices, we want to be at the forefront of driving further change to ensure everyone has a voice and can contribute to making both FE fundinfo and the wider industry more diverse, more resilient and able to make better decisions.
Examples of our initiatives to support a diverse and inclusive culture where all employees feel a sense of belonging include:
- Championing employee voice as a key driver for our Diversity & Belonging strategy.
- Embedding recruitment processes that support our an equitable approach when recruiting talent, for example by endeavouring to use gender-neutral, jargon-free language in our job adverts; utilising diverse interview panels as part of the selection process, and being mindful about where we advertise jobs knowing that different demographics may use different job boards and networks.
- Introducing cultural days as an opportunity for employees to share insights into aspects of their culture with colleagues.
- Reporting on the gender and ethnicity breakdown of our population while keeping in mind that ‘diversity’ encompasses all the characteristics, experiences and thought processes that make each of us unique and cannot be reduced to statistics alone.
We recognise there is always more that we can do and are excited to continue our diversity and belonging journey.
Employee Health & Wellbeing
We know that for our employees to flourish at work they need to feel supported in their mental and physical health and wellbeing – and that this means different things to different people. Our global health and safety guidelines, leave policies and versatile working principles provide frameworks for our approach, but we believe in bringing this to life at a local level and in adapting our offering to support the changing needs of our employees.
Community Impact
Our ethos as a company with operations all over the world, is to “think global and act local” and as such, we recognise that our local communities are an important part of who we are. We actively support the communities where we work and encourage our people, no matter where they are based, to make positive contributions to wider society.
We do this by:
- Hosting our ‘Community Day – a day to give back’, which provides everyone in FE fundinfo with the opportunity to contribute their time to a local cause that matters to them.
- Sponsoring Urban Synergy, a mentoring charity that helps hundreds of young people between 10-18 years of age reach their full potential through outcome focused mentoring programmes, inspirational online seminars and work experience.
- Running our monthly Charity Challenge, which combines charitable donations and wellbeing challenges. Each month, FE fundinfo makes a donation to a charity nominated by one of our office locations, the same office will also propose a wellbeing challenge and invite the global teams to participate.
Our Governance Approach
Embedding sustainability throughout our business and operations is a continuous process. We want to build a business that is forward looking and takes long-term decisions to ensure we are always making positive contributions to the environment and wider society. To do this we have a foundation of strong governance based on company-wide commitments and policies.
Our policies guide our decision-making and the actions we take, in regard to how we set goals, how we ensure risk is monitored and addressed, and how we optimise performance. These policies help us to uphold our legal and compliance obligations as a company in the financial services industry, but also the high ethical and sustainability standards to which we hold ourselves accountable. The following policies and documents are instrumental to our commitment to sustainable operations:
- Information Security Policy
- Data Protection and Privacy Policy
- Inducements, Benefits, Gifts and Anti-bribery Policy
- Business Code of Conduct
- Human Rights Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
- Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
- Competition Law Policy
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Global Sanctions Policy